General Scholastic Ability Test can be traced back to 1994. Before then, there was only one exam, which was called "Joint College Entrance Examination(*3) (abolished in 2002)." General Scholastic Ability Test takes place in every winter vacation, and it's usually before Chinese's New Year. Maybe in order to let students have a good year?
The advantage of it is that its scope(*4) doesn't include the lesson in senior, so it is easier to prepare. Also, its scoring mode is point sale. It uses the average of top 1% students score to decide the "級距(hard to translate)." So, you may get "15 point" even though you have some mistakes.
The most important, if one goes smoothly without a hitch during the General Scholastic Ability Test, he/she will have very long summer vacation, which is nearly five months!
*1:General Scholastic Ability Test→大學學科能力測驗
*2:Advanced Subjects Test→大學指定科目考試
*3:Joint College Entrance Examination→大學聯考
It's really a long long vacation that I have nothing to do in the endXD
回覆刪除GSAT & AST are nightmares for high school students for they have to spend so much time preparing it.
回覆刪除Wow~I think the education level in Taiwan is higher than Malaysia.
I started my vacation from March 8th, so I had been spared for almost six month. Thanks for the education of Taiwan!